Hidden City Wiki

Note: This wiki is maintained by fans of the game, and is not affiliated with G5 Entertainment. If you are experiencing technical issues with the game itself, please contact customer support.


Hidden City Wiki
Hidden City Wiki
Note: This wiki is maintained by fans of the game, and is not affiliated with G5 Entertainment. If you are experiencing technical issues with the game itself, please contact customer support.

Steep stairs spiral to the top of Jack's Tower. Here, surrounded by gargoyles, the Samhain Clock blazes ominously from the top of the Tower, flooding the city with scarlet light. Whose frozen figure stands in front of the clock, as if protecting the world from its eerie light?

- The Location Description

Jack's Tower overlooks the majority of the city, and is located at the very height of his Castle. It was introduced during the Halloween Event of 2018.

The area is rather diverse, having more features than most locations. In no particular order, focal points include: The balcony, both upper and lower parts of the spiral staircase, covered in eerie mist, the sky just beyond the balcony, where bats can be seen flying, and the centerpiece: the Samhain clock responsible for new anomalies in the city. Halloween lights, cauldrons, and gargoyles leave many openings for hidden objects; almost no inch of the territory is left without something to catch the eye. Only the Greenhouse is comparable in this aspect. On the City's map, the area is a section of Jack's Castle, taller than any part of it, and has an eerie green glow near the top.

The location seems to be specifically above the Masquerade Ball held last year, as decorations and even the skeleton seen from that area appear in the Tower. Objects in this location can be seen throughout other Halloween areas in the city.

Following the story, much like the previous Halloween, Jack is nowhere to be found, meaning it's up to the player to solve the mysteries in his forbidden castle, and stop the Samhain clock's ominous light.

The player's perspective when viewing the Tower is from inside, presumably on the ring balcony without much safety. They are looking down on the frozen figure, lower stairs to the castle, and seem to be even height with the clock. Many objects are far in the background or blend in with the multiple sources of shade, making the exploration difficult compared to other locations.



This table shows the energy, skeleton keys, experience, and coins for each rank of the Jack's Tower. These are the values for a search in any of the exploration modes; an anomaly will yield increased rewards depending on the anomaly. An active booster or a charge from a visitor may likewise change the costs and/or the rewards, with the exception of Skeleton Keys. During an event, if this location is one of the early unlock locations, the values may change for the duration of the event; exact values dependent on the player level.

Rank Numerical Energy Required Skeleton Keys Experience Rewarded Coins Rewarded
I 1 115 3 110 115
II 2 118 5 115 117
III 3 121 7 118 122
IV 4 124 9 121 132
V 5 127 11 124 142
VI 6 130 13 127 147
VII 7 133 15 130 157
VIII 8 136 17 133 167

Hidden Items[]

Hidden Items


  1. Upper left corner, hanging (red)
  2. Upper left, inside cauldron (green)
  3. Left side on candelabra (golden/bronze)
  4. Beside a pumpkin on the lower left stairwell (red)
  5. On middle left stairs (red)
  6. On top of pumpkin at head of stairs right side (orange)
  7. Behind the wizard's cloak (red)


  1. Upper left railing over cauldron
  2. Behind right skeleton, hanging between lights
  3. Upper right on spindle of stair railing
  4. Hanging on left candelabra
  5. Hanging on left side of central stairs below pumpkin
  6. Hanging on left wrist of wizard
  7. To the right of wizard, behind gargoyle wing
  8. On railing behind wizard


  1. In front of cauldron on upper left landing
  2. Leaning against the right skeleton in top landing
  3. Blended into pillar just right of wizard's head
  4. Bottom left corner on desk
  5. As top of banister on left behind wizard, under the pumpkin
  6. Bottom right on the floor


  1. Above left skeleton
  2. To the right of right skeleton in background
  3. Left stairway across from dresser on support pillar
  4. On the back of bottom-center gargoyle
  5. Behind wizard on coat tails
  6. At bottom of right stairs


  1. Top left, next to cauldron
  2. On lower left spiral stairs
  3. Lying left of the pendulum between the center stairs
  4. Held by right skeleton on top landing
  5. At the end of the wizard's staff
  6. Along outside of upper right staircase

Bunting Flags[]

  1. With leaves in upper left corner
  2. In Samhain clock, right center angling up to 3 o'clock
  3. Along bottom of upper right stairway
  4. Under balcony just left of central stairs
  5. On belt of wizard
  6. On bottom left stairway railing
  7. Bottom right on the post behind wizard


  1. Top left on front of cauldron
  2. Top left post of middle stairs, on the skull
  3. On chest of right skeleton on balcony
  4. As third rune down from top of right staircase
  5. Middle of left side of wizard's scarf
  6. On railing of lower left stairway
  7. Bottom center on left wing of gargoyle
  8. On right pumpkin behind wizard
To Butterfly 8x


  1. Leaning on railing behind cauldron
  2. Leaning against right hand of right skeleton
  3. Landing of left stairs
  4. Leaning against right side of pillar below left side of balcony
  5. Left behind statue, leaning against post with pumpkin (skeleton on top)
  6. Bottom of right stairs, leaning on post (behind pumpkin)
To Cane 5x


  1. On a roof in the background, left of Samhain clock
  2. Lying on the floor in front of the Samhain clock
  3. On the pumpkin to the right of wizard's head
  4. As a design in the round shield left of wizard
  5. Right middle side of screen on stairs
  6. Bottom center left, at top of stairs
  7. Behind wizard on the right as a face on side of post


  1. Upper left corner flying in front of building (blends in)
  2. Left center screen, flying
  3. Under the candelabra engraved on the pillar
  4. Sitting on arm of skeleton right of Samhain clock
  5. Upper right corner on gargoyle
To Crow5x


  1. On the head of left skeleton on the balcony
  2. Carved in stone above right skeleton
  3. On the head of the wizard
  4. Left side of screen on candelabra, inverted
  5. Middle stairs, carved under second step
  6. On pumpkin on bottom left staircase
  7. Bottom right corner on lantern
To Crown 7x

Crystal Ball[]

  1. Top left on handrail (green)
  2. On post beside upper left stairs
  3. Right of the Samhain clock (red)
  4. Very top of the right staircase (purple)
  5. Far right on stairs (dark multi-color)
  6. Bottom left on the desk (dark blue-green)
  7. Bottom center to right of gargoyle


  1. On breast of skeleton left of Samhain clock
  2. In the greenery above and right of the right skeleton
  3. On the pillar supporting the right staircase (above and right of wizard's head)
  4. Behind wizard, looks like it is hanging from scarf
  5. On round pillar on left below balcony, just above jack-o'-lantern
  6. Under the hand rail of the left spiral staircase between the top two balusters


  1. Extended hand of left skeleton
  2. Far upper right in circle of railing below gargoyle wing
  3. Lower left candelabra, on skull of wall mount
  4. Third baluster of left stairs
  5. On lowest skull on left of center top stairs
  6. Hanging from wing of upper left gargoyle, left of wizard
  7. Above pendulum, under wizard's left hand
  8. Behind wizard on arch between pumpkins
JT glasses


  1. On plant at top left edge of screen, just under small candelabra
  2. On fourth pillar down on left downstairs (gray)
  3. Bottom center on back of gargoyle
  4. Left of wizard on left side of pendulum shield
  5. On scarf of wizard
  6. Behind wizard's coat tails


  1. Upper left on railing above cauldron (blends in with leaves)
  2. On far left side of balcony in front of pumpkin
  3. On left stair rail heading down
  4. Center screen on step right of gargoyle
  5. Upper center at tip of wizard's scepter
  6. On arm of right skeleton
  7. On gargoyle to the right of wizard, near end of scarf

Gerbera Daisy[]

  1. In right hand of left skeleton
  2. Left side on balcony
  3. Lower left at bottom of stairs
  4. On round column below balcony
  5. Upper center in front of Samhain clock
  6. Bottom of left center stairs
  7. Behind wizard on cloak
  8. On railing of far right staircase
  9. Bottom right on top of pumpkin


  1. Rising out of the cauldron at the top left (green)
  2. Left of Samhain clock, silhouetted in the moon
  3. Above head of wizard
  4. Right of wizard
  5. Left center and right of balcony (large blue)
  6. In center screen below the wizard's scepter (small white)
  7. Right side at gargoyle's feet


  1. Left staircase landing, on right side of the table
  2. In front of cauldron, left side
  3. In front of left skeleton's left foot
  4. Middle staircase, third step
  5. Between the two pumpkins on the left side where the wizard stands
  6. Bottom of right staircase sitting on the floor
  7. Banister post of upper stair, midway
To Goblet 7x


  1. Upper left on right castle spire, under orange light
  2. On left side of balcony on the edge of the floor
  3. Center screen on head of gargoyle on post
  4. On the wizard's head
  5. Upper right stair case between banisters
  6. On a pumpkin on the lower stairwell
  7. Right side on a jack-o'-lantern behind wizard


  1. Upper left candelabra
  2. Cloud, below and right of moon
  3. Top center of top middle stairs
  4. Right skeleton's chest
  5. Back of wizard, on belt
  6. On wing of gargoyle right of wizard
  7. Hanging from lower left candelabra
  8. Part of branches on column under left side of balcony
  9. Right wing of bottom center gargoyle
JT heart


  1. Left skeleton on balcony in left hand
  2. On the shoulder of right skeleton
  3. Far upper right in circle of railing below gargoyle wing
  4. Lower left side as top curve of plaque or candelabra support
  5. Under pumpkin on balcony just left of central stairs
  6. On the second step of the middle stairs
  7. On top of pumpkin just left of wizard's feet
  8. Behind wizard on arch between pumpkins
To Horseshoe 8x


  1. Top left corner, above the railing
  2. On balcony between cauldron and left skeleton
  3. Below balcony just right of the square pillar
  4. On top stair below Samhain clock
  5. Left of wizard's head
  6. Upper right as balustrade post near top of stairs
  7. To right of wizard's coat tails, filled with red sand
To Hourglass 7x


  1. Upper left on rim of cauldron
  2. Left of central stairs on a candelabra
  3. Resting along the counter weight, middle stairs, just to the left of the wizard
  4. On the shoulder of the wizard
  5. To right of wizard on gargoyle's tail
  6. Bottom center along the gargoyle's spine
  7. Lower right side, behind wizard and just right of pumpkin
To Lizard 7x


  1. Between feet of left skeleton
  2. On left center staircase, third step down
  3. Top of column on right of Samhain clock
  4. Above wizard's head, under staircase
  5. Lower left corner on desk
  6. Bottom center behind gargoyle
  7. Bottom of the right staircase
To Mirror 7x


  1. On branch left of the knee of the left skeleton
  2. Sitting on the pumpkin top left of the central stairs
  3. On the lower left staircase, by pumpkin
  4. On landing floor at left corner of clock pendulum
  5. Middle right stairs under wizards's left armpit
  6. Behind wizard in front of the bottom right pumpkin
To Mouse 6x


  1. Upper left between cauldron and skeleton
  2. As a candle in left center candelabra
  3. Lower left center below balcony
  4. Between center stairways lying under wizard's scepter
  5. Standing to the right of the Samhain clock
  6. Along pillar to right of wizard's head
  7. Upper right staircase, in front gargoyle
To Mummy 7x


  1. In right hand of left skeleton on balcony
  2. Lying in base of Samhain clock (blends in)
  3. On upper right of middle stairs, left of wizard's shoulder (red)
  4. On upper right candelabra (golden tan)
  5. Downstairs, right edge of the round pillar
  6. As the stem of the pumpkin just left of wizard's feet
  7. Just behind the wizard's robe (red)
  8. On bottom left of right staircase
To Mushroom 8x


  1. Neck of left skeleton
  2. Rim of cauldron, top left
  3. Around the pumpkin on lower left staircase
  4. Around left wing of gargoyle at bottom of left staircase
  5. Neck of gargoyle at bottom of right staircase
To Necklace 5x


  1. Above the cauldron
  2. Hanging from pillar just right of the Samhain clock
  3. Right of wizard, hanging below stairway
  4. Lower left hanging from candelabra
  5. Lower left, hanging from railing
  6. Hanging down wizard's back
To Noose 6x


  1. Left center along column beside pumpkin
  2. Left of the Samhain clock
  3. As steeple in background to right of Samhain clock
  4. Column at the top of middle stairs in front of wizard
  5. Lower left center to right of large pillar
  6. Behind wizard, along right post
To Obelisk 6x

Paw Print[]

  1. Left center in front of pumpkin on balcony floor
  2. On floor at top of central staircases, just below Samhain clock
  3. Upper right on gargoyle's left wing
  4. Lower left, under candelabra on pillar
  5. Left of pendulum on 2nd step
  6. Bottom of wizard's cape
To Paw Print 6x


  1. On the cauldron
  2. Under pumpkin left of the central staircases
  3. On the shield of the pendulum
  4. On the back of the wizard on his belt
  5. Top right corner of screen in gargoyle wing
  6. Bottom of left staircase on landing
  7. Below left stair on lowest floor
  8. On top step of left stair, below bottom left gargoyle, behind candle
To Pentagram 8x

Pestle and Mortar[]

  1. In front of cauldron on the balcony
  2. Left on candelabra (gold)
  3. Bottom left between banisters on background floor (blends in)
  4. Bottom center on first stair (metallic)
  5. On bottom left central stair right of gargoyle
  6. Behind wizard, right of the left pumpkin (gray)
  7. Halfway up right stairs
To Pestle and Mortar 7x


  1. As handle of cauldron
  2. Along upper left side of Samhain clock
  3. Against left leg of right skeleton
  4. Right of wizard, on top of gargoyle's wing
  5. In vines on right column of left stair landing
  6. In mouth of lower left skull on stairs to clock
  7. In mouth of middle pumpkin on wizard's platform
  8. Along tail of lower right gargoyle
To pipe 7x


  1. In front of the cauldron (green)
  2. On the rail beside left skeleton (behind lantern, dark yellow)
  3. Left side of middle stairs on the second pillar (green)
  4. Above wizard's hand on stairs (green)
  5. On the railing above wizard's head (gray)
  6. Right center screen in the gargoyle's mouth (red)
  7. Between two pumpkins left of wizard (green)
To Poison 7x


  1. In front of lower left blue glyph
  2. On lower left stair railing before the pumpkin at base of pillar
  3. On second stair of left middle steps
  4. At feet of right skeleton
  5. Below wizard's left wrist on pendulum shield
  6. On stone behind wizard, almost touching left pumpkin
  7. On left flowing collar ribbon on wizard
To Scorpion 7x


  1. On pillar in front of left skeleton
  2. Lower left under blue glyph
  3. On bottom left stairway railing
  4. On the pillar between the two skeleton heads (left central stairway)
  5. On the back of the wizard
  6. Into the staircase railing on the far right
To Scratches 6x


  1. Around arm of left skeleton
  2. Left center on balcony in front of pumpkin
  3. On pillar, below balcony, left of stairs, half way between balcony and pumpkin
  4. Rolled around counter weight of clock
  5. Right of wizard's head, above pumpkin, sticking out from behind pillar
  6. Lower left on stairs (open)
  7. Bottom right on the floor
To Scroll 7x


  1. Upper left corner beside cauldron
  2. Lower left, vertical along pillar under candelabra (hidden in leaves)
  3. Leaning on back of left center gargoyle
  4. Top-left frame of the grandfather clock in front of hooded character
  5. Leaning against right skeleton
  6. Held by the wizard
  7. Right side on lower stairs
To Scythe 7x


  1. Upper left in branches (red black white stripes)
  2. As the handle of the cauldron
  3. Upper center below Samhain clock (cobra reared up)
  4. Lying along wizard's back and shoulders (thin, light gray)
  5. Upper right, lying along the stair rail
  6. Lower left under candelabra
  7. Lower left lying along the stair rail
  8. Lower center screen around stairway post, like gargoyle's tail
To Snake 8x


  1. Upper left, hanging from light string
  2. To right of cauldron on balcony
  3. On lowest level on the floor, at the bottom of the stairs
  4. Top center, crawling along middle of Samhain clock
  5. Below wizard's left arm, sitting on shield
  6. Under right stairway, carved on pillar
To Spider 6x

Sweet Eyeballs[]

  1. On far left side of balcony on top of a pumpkin
  2. Between feet of left skeleton (greenish)
  3. On the top step of the left upper staircase
  4. Cupcake on step under left elbow of wizard, in the triangular space
  5. Right side on a cupcake on low stair step
  6. Bottom left corner at bottom of stairs
  7. On floor below balcony, left of central stairs
  8. One on a cupcake between pumpkins left of wizard


  1. Upper left leaning on skeleton
  2. Above wizard's head, hanging in tree branches
  3. Lower left at bottom of stairway
  4. Bottom center behind gargoyle on post
  5. Under the wizard's scepter
  6. Below wizard, in front of pumpkin

Tarot Card[]

  1. Lower left corner near bottom of stairs
  2. Upper left, on the floor just right of cauldron
  3. On the pillar right of the Samhain clock
  4. Center screen, under wizard's staff
  5. Leaning against pumpkin just left of wizard
  6. On the back of the wizard under his belt
To Tarot Card 6x


  1. Upper left corner, part of candelabra
  2. Lower left, below candelabra
  3. Below left stair on lowest floor
  4. Bottom center, on right wing of the gargoyle
  5. On left pillar behind the wizard
  6. Hanging under wrist of wizard
  7. Under top of right staircase, made from tree branches
  8. Engraved on the right railing
To Triquetra 8x

Voodoo Doll[]

  1. On floor by left skeleton
  2. Bottom left corner on landing beside pumpkin
  3. On floor, left and below central stairs
  4. Sitting on left pumpkin behind wizard
  5. Sitting on stairs left of wizard's shoulder
  6. Upper right corner, sitting on top of gargoyle
To Voodoo Doll 6x


  1. On left at bottom of stairway
  2. As a mounted head on the left side below central stairs
  3. Lying at left side of Samhain clock
  4. As the head of the gargoyle sitting on stair rail center screen
  5. Bottom center, standing just right of the gargoyle
  6. Just left of wizard's head in the background
  7. Top right on stairs
To Wolf 7x

Secret Items Map[]

Secret Items Map
Winged Key
Color Token
Secret Item positions
Secret Items may be behind hidden objects in the game, either partially or completely.
Best strategy: continue removing hidden items and watch for possible secret items behind them.

Ranks Gallery[]

Ranks Gallery

Silhouette Gallery[]

Silhouette Gallery

This gallery is for difficult silhouettes only.

Related Pages[]

Related Pages
Note: This wiki is maintained by fans of the game, and is not affiliated with G5 Entertainment. If you are experiencing technical issues with the game itself, please contact customer support.